I’m not the team member on our media team who is good at watching TV shows. My OCD makes me believe that once I start a show it’s on my to-do list to finish watching no matter how many episodes and seasons there are. This has created many frustrating scenarios where my brain doesn’t let me rest until I get around to watching hours of a show that I hate and is a terrible waste of time. Can’t start watching something new until it’s finished, either. I feel like I’m the only one who is weird in this way. But yeah…brains are goofy sometimes.

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I don't know if it'll help your decision process but Shogun was my Baby Reindeer. I watched it all even though I found it kinda boring. I don't know why 😂.

I started Shrinking recently and the only reason I stopped was because I went on a business trip and cannot watch without my partner. Otherwise I think I'm going to binge it like you did. Such a great show!

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I rarely watch or read what people suggest to me :)) It’s easy to lose interest in movies or TV shows nowadays because there are so 1) many choices, 2) deep down, most of them feel meaningless and not enjoyable, 3) a movie or show is supposed to entertain us on all levels. I find that the first season or pilot/initial episodes are usually the best, but then they often become disappointing and feel like trash, which makes me want to cry, even though I don’t 😂😅. I just move on, just like you do.

Plus, I read that if you’re truly watching a movie, you shouldn’t do anything else, like eating or talking; it can diminish your enjoyment and dopamine levels 😬

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I know what you mean about so many of them lacking meaning. I think in the current era we've shifted to 'content' --- where time is filled rather than true art digested.

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Agreed 👍 well said

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I've experienced this as well. At this point my 'watchlist' across various services is so long that I shudder to even consider browsing through it and selecting something to watch. Meanwhile, when an algorithm throws up a new real estate world based reality show, I start it immediately and binge it within days. I can spend hours watching skincare videos on YouTube as well as news content, but when it comes to sit down and watch a scripted show or a movie, I wait for the elusive 'right mood'.

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Maybe we just love real estate/building shows and should forget everything else?

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Ha ha ha … goodness heavens. I hope that’s not the case. Because whenever I actually manage to get myself into the ‘mood’ and watch something really good on my list, it does make me very happy. I recently felt that when I binge watched the entire season of ‘English Teacher’. ☺️

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